
How to Winterize Your RV for Winter in BC

By: O'Connor RV   |   21 Oct 2019
aerial view of RV camping in winter

As longtime residents of Chilliwack, British Columbia, we know that the rainy season can come in hard and fast. Our sunny summer skies are quickly replaced by relentless rains and unpredictable snowfall throughout the fall and winter. When we talk about winterizing your RV, most people picture having to guard against subzero temperatures and heavy snow and ice; but in our neck of the woods, moisture can be your RV’s worst enemy. Here at O’Connor RV, we want to help you protect your investment, so that you can enjoy your RV lifestyle for years to come. Here are our top tips for winterizing your trailer, camper, or fifth wheel for winter in BC this year!

rv tarps

Cover Up

If you’ve ever driven by a park or lot where RVs are being stored during the offseason, you’ve probably seen the sea of blue tarps covering them up. Though covering your vehicle IS a good idea to protect it from the elements, those nondescript blue tarps can do more harm than good. They are made of a non-breathable plastic fibre, which actually traps moisture between the tarp and your RV. Water will find a way to penetrate even the most microscopic of openings, where it can grow over time and cause problems. You’ll want to look for a tarp that’s breathable in design, so it’s protecting your vehicle’s exterior, while also allowing moisture to quickly evaporate during sunny days. Not sure which one to buy? O’Connor has the most extensive selection of RV parts and accessories in BC, and we are happy to recommend the right product for your vehicle!

Seal and Protect

While you wash the exterior of your trailer, pay close attention for any visible cracks. These should be patched with a sealant, allowed to dry, and then a protective coating of wax should be applied to the exterior shell. This will help protect your RV from the elements, and act as an extra layer to guard against moisture build-up. This is also a good time to lubricate any door hinges, clean your air conditioner unit and replace the filter, and fully dry out your awning before storing it for the winter. Depending on where you are storing your vehicle, you may also want to consider tire protection to avoid tire-rot.

RV interior cleaning

The Inside Scoop

There is plenty to do inside of your RV as well! Start by fully cleaning and sanitizing your vehicle, and removing any food, debris, bedding, and linens. Prop couch cushions and mattresses upright, so that air can flow between them. If you will have regular access to your RV throughout the off-season, we highly recommend purchasing a dehumidifier, and running it several times throughout the winter to help remove moisture from the air.


To prepare for subzero temperatures, you will need to winterize your water system. This is one of the most important steps when preparing your RV to be stored in the off-season, as any water left trapped in the pipes can freeze and cause major damage. You will need to take steps like turning off your water heater, turning on all faucets to drain the pipes and hoses, and running a non-toxic antifreeze through the system. You will also need to remove the battery by disconnecting the negative cable first, and turning off the battery breaker switches. Batteries can be stored in a warm, dry place over the winter - preferably not on the ground! All of the information you need should be available in your owner’s manual, but if you are ever in doubt don’t hesitate to call or visit our friendly staff at O’Connor RV - we are here to help!

As you can imagine, winterizing your RV against the rain and snow is difficult if it’s already raining and snowing! That’s why now is the perfect time to properly winterize your vehicle. It might seem like a lot of work, but it will save you many hours of frustration and potentially costly repairs down the road. Not up for the challenge? Come visit O’Connor RV in Chilliwack and let us take care of the work for you. Our experienced team is trained to cover every detail, and we have plenty of winter specials available right now to help save you time and money!

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44430 Yale Rd (PO Box 190), Chilliwack, BC V2P 6J1